
Well Known Member
One of those days that makes you ponder stuff! I got up today, and went out and raised my flag, and lowered to half mast. I'll raise it at noon. What's this got to do with RV's, well let me tell ya. While I was building Miss Sue, way back when we had to walk through the snow etc. I had this awesomwe fuselage jig with 16 foot spruce 2x6s and when I took it apart, I needed to do something with those really nice pieces of wood that I searched for at Lowe's for so long. One turned into saw horses, but the other one I turned into a flagpole. It really is nice, and is taperd to about 1.5 in at the top, 3x3 at the bottom. Kinda did this right after 911, and its been doing good flag duty since.

I am an old Army CH-47 and AH-1 driver, and this days does make one reflect on all the great folks that have come before us, and those that sacrificed for the rest of us and our freedom's. Miss Sue is another tribute to those WWII fighter jocks that did so much when they were so young.

Fly on everybody, have a great holiday!
Thank you for posting this, Marshall. And thank you for serving your country.

Flag flying as I type this,