
Well Known Member
Memorial Day Weekend is a busy flying weekend for us. My flight - Lakes/Goofy Flight, was invited to do a few fly-bys and missing man formations at TICO VAC Warbird Museum. They offer free admission for active and retired military and all Florida residents on this Saturday and Sunday. One of the remaining few Tuskegee Airman pilots - Hiram Mann passed away a few days ago. Since Lt. Col. Mann was from Titusville, they planned a missing man fly-by at noon and we were chosen to do it. Three RVs - a 7A, a 9 and a 9A plus a Glastar did the missing man for Col. Mann. Following is a short video of the fly-by and the missing man flight.

Fly-by by the rest of the Lakes/Goofy Flight:




Today we are going back and do another missing man for all vets. Monday will be the Spruce Creek Gaggle memorial fly-by and missing man at many surrounding cities and towns. I am glad that my RV is allowing me to have the honor to participate at these important events.

Phyllis Lilienthal photo
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Ormond Beach and Daytona Beach

This morning I joined two other RVs and a F1 Rocket to fly the Ormond Beach and the Daytona Beach memorial day service. We and three other flights of four each did the opening fly-by. Then, we went back at the closing to do a missing man pass. It is an honor to be able to do it for the fallen soldiers and their families.

Ormond Beach fly-by:

Ormond Beach missing man pass:

Daytona Beach fly-by:

I was not in the good position for the Daytona Beach missing man pass.
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