
Active Member
I would like to thank the members of this group who are current and those who are veterans of the armed forces for their service to our country on this memorial day. Thank You
I also thank all our service men and women and veterans. Without them we would not have this great country and our freedom to enjoy it.

Thank you,

Unending Gratitude and Respect

- Plastic sheeting to turn the garage into a paint booth - $40 at Home Depot
- Environmentally friendly water borne airplane paint - $250/gallon

Living in a country where I have the freedom to build an airplane in my garage - PRICELESS!

My GRATITUDE and RESPECT for those who have served, and those who are currently serving and fighting, and expecially for those who have paid the ultimate price to defend our freedom - UNENDING AND ONGOING!!!
If it wasn't for America

Or more pointedly the service men and women I'd either not have been born or be speaking German!

As a bit of a WW2 buff you have my unending gratitude and those of my like minded friends.

Frank...The Ex pat Brit....
tcrv7 said:
I would like to thank the members of this group who are current and those who are veterans of the armed forces for their service to our country on this memorial day. Thank You


Folks no thanks are necessary, but while I obviously don't speak for my fellow Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and CoastGuardsmen, I'm sure I'm on solid ground when I say we all appreciate the support!

Now, according to my countdown clock I have approximately 104 days left until I can get back to pounding rivets! Heck, I'm almost short! :D

728TT (reserved)
Your welcome! But the highest honor to those that have given and who will give the ultimate sacrifice....
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soon to be

Auburntsts said:
Folks no thanks are necessary, but while I obviously don't speak for my fellow Airmen, Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, and CoastGuardsmen, I'm sure I'm on solid ground when I say we all appreciate the support!

Now, according to my countdown clock I have approximately 104 days left until I can get back to pounding rivets! Heck, I'm almost short! :D

728TT (reserved)
Being "short"

cytoxin said:

I had a guy tell me one time that he was so short he could walk under a snakes belly in a wagon wheel rut.
"so short I could PLF (Parachute Landing Fall) off of a dime" :)

Yeah, wish I could say how many days I have left...but after the extension, who knows. My TAC officer (military adviser) at school once said, "Don't count your days, but make your days count." We laughed and thought it was cheesy at first, but after thinking about's true. My unit lost a few guys here this tour, however, none of them were counting their days. ALL of them were making their days count, by giving everything into the mission at hand, no matter how big or trivial it seemed. That is the only way to live. I do appreciate all the support from the home front. It does lift our spirits when we see people stand in unity applauding our effort. While many of us have our personal feelings about those who speak against the politics of war, we also understand that it is our duty to defend their right to do so...and that makes us proud.
One final note...don't just thank the Soldiers, but thank their families too! I keep telling my wife that my job is easy here because I have my fellow Soldiers to help me when I'm down. She, on the other hand, is at home raising our 5 month old daughter by herself...and doing a great job! No words can express how proud I am of her. I share this not for sympathy, but to put a face on the reality of service. So for all of you that serve and support in your own way...Thanks!

Hopefully I'll be home in December'ish...and who knows when to join the ranks of RV builders. All I know is that neither can come soon enough!!

God Bless Us All!!!

Where ya at? I'm HQ'd out of Balad but travel all over to visit my teams. I am an AF wank attached to the 13 SC (E) and have 99 Airmen working retrograde, redistribution and reset for AMC and the DA.

I am ready to rivet my -10 elevators and ran out of time before I had to go to Ft ****, I mean Sill, for combat skills training before heading over to the AOR.

That close?

I'm out of FOB Paliwoda...closer to the city of Balad, and about 15km to the west of you. I'm the FSO and S3 planner for my BN. Fun job...but would much rather be at home with family and flying.

Being an FA guy, I can appreciate your comments for Ft. Sill. The wildlife preserve is nice, and some good restaurants, but the rest of the area is just ok.

I can't wait to finally have the time and space to start my RV project. Good news is that my wife is all for it. I just hope that the Army can keep me at once place long enough to build. So where are you from?

Anyway, I might be moving to LSAA in a couple months to take command of a battery on the East side. Maybe I'll run into you there?

Lemme know if you have a SIPR email...I can keep in touch easier on that.

Talk to you later,

Your welcome

Your Welcome, however the real thanks go to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice. I would rather not get stuck in a minefield again, let alone get shot at. It's incredible hanging out of a helicopter shooting things... but it gets a bit dicey when they are the ones shooting at you.... would you believe our laundry lady looked like Danny Divito?... ouch.....
