
Well Known Member
This was from a speech several years ago by Marine Corps General John Kelly honoring two fallen soldiers. They could be any of our sons...

If you haven't done so, take a trip to Arlington. Spend the day walking the grounds and reading some of the names. You'll see many that have fought in multiple conflicts, ultimately defending all of the freedoms we enjoy and often times take for granted. In all of my travels, it's the place that touches me most deeply.
Lt Gen Kelly's son, Marine 2nd Lt Robert Kelly, died on 9 Nov 2010 in Helmond province while on his third deployment. Lt Gen Kelly does not make light of his family's loss when he speaks of the sacrifices that service members and their families have made. Arlington is an extraordinary place where the concept of dignity still exists in our society. It is hallowed ground.
RV Zoomie and his crew are there at Arlington. Each Memorial Day and anniversary of his crash is no less emotional, but each time I take his RV8 to the sky I feel a little closer to him and have to crack a smile.
He loved flying more than anything and especially flying the 8. The experimental and especially the RV community were like family to him.
His RV8 got me back into flying. I fly it not only to honor him, but to honor everyone that made the ultimate sacrifice.
Here's a toast to Capt Tyler Voss, USAF kia 5-3-13
RVZDad, that's the best thing I've read today. Raising my glass to your warrior, here at sunset local.