Larry DeCamp

Well Known Member
I anticipate extensive gas octane and timing curve investigation in phase 1.
Will the FSDO/DAR accept adhesive labels at AWInspection ?
It would be nice to engrave them once after timing map is logged and octane options are known.
I anticipate extensive gas octane and timing curve investigation in phase 1.
Will the FSDO/DAR accept adhesive labels at AWInspection ?
It would be nice to engrave them once after timing map is logged and octane options are known.

Certainly! Absolutely nothing wrong with that approach.
Sounds like a fun experiment. It is called EXPERIMENTAL aviation. I hope you'll tell us about your discoveries, I'm quite curious.
I printed my label on an inkjet printer, colored it yellow with a highlighter, then stuck it text side down on a piece of clear tape. Cut the tape about .1 inches beyond the paper, then stuck it on the cap. Been there for 5 years, actually looks really good.
Confused at first

When I first saw this post, I wondered why the OP was worried about fuel cap engraving information in his MEL (minimum equipment list). It's now obvious that this was a question for DAR Mel. Getting old is not for the faint at heart :(