Actually the flying part will be 16 years in May.

The only problems I've seen were a lost mag @ LOE '03 (This wouldn't have happened if I had listened to the engine telling me I had a problem by being slightly harder to start for the past several months.), A cracked wheel pant bracket last month caused by wheel shimmy. Oh yes, I did have an automotive starter give up on me in the very early days. Immediately installed a SkyTec HT and it's been going ever since. If I do much acro my right exhaust bracket breaks regularly. And that's about it. Other than new gadgets keep coming out that forces me to change the instrument panel.

The airframe has not given me a bit of trouble.

Oh yeah, a few months after I "sloshed" my tanks, it was discovered that this is not a good thing to do. So I added filters and eventually cleaned out the tanks. BTW, this job was worse than building the tanks.

As far as answering question here, I certainly don't see that as a problem. If I can direct any one person from making mistakes that have already been made by someone else, then we're all better off.

Besides the fact that you guys keep me on my toes. I have most pertinent FARs, ACs and Orders right here at my desk and you guys make me use them often.
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If I can direct any one person from making mistakes that have already been made by someone else, then we're all better off.

Agreed. Mel, you have been an important component of lots of RV builds, including mine. You and all the others out there have my appreciation.


Mel has saved my bacon more than once.
He noticed I had not installed a cotter pin on a castle nut during an inspection. The nut was on a throttle to cable bolt. The nut would have come off with very little time passing. Thanks Mel