Bill Wightman

Well Known Member
Check out Mel's article in the new Nov 2009 Kit Plane Buyers Guide issue of Kitplanes mag. Mel's introductory piece, titled "Ask the DAR", is his introductory shot into being a regular contributor to Kitplanes, if I got that right.

Very informative and well written piece, Mel!!
Congrats Mel I'm glad you finally made it :D. Really congrats you add a lot to VAF and I think we all appreciate you being here.
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Thanks for the Kudos.

I believe that should be December 2008.
Yes, It will be a continuing article....At least until I run out of answers.
I believe that should be December 2008.
Yes, It will be a continuing article....At least until I run out of answers.

Well, I am confident we won't run out of questions! Good article. I am looking forward to the series.

I base which threads to read on the title of the thread and/or the posters. There are some posters I always read regardless of the topic. Mel's post are in that group. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, Mel.
Cool deal... I also noticed Mel's picture in the new Nov. 2008 Sport Aviation 10.... You're getting pretty popular Mel! Maybe everyone is finally figuring out that you are the Yoda of all that flies! :D
Kudos to Mel

Very nice introductory article, Mel! Not everyone has the chops to be a DAR and I never met a DAR who didn't know his stuff. In general, you fill a rare and extremely valuable niche in the experimental aviation movement and in particular, I'm delighted the RV community can claim you as one of our own.
Very nice introductory article, Mel! Not everyone has the chops to be a DAR and I never met a DAR who didn't know his stuff. In general, you fill a rare and extremely valuable niche in the experimental aviation movement and in particular, I'm delighted the RV community can claim you as one of our own.

Very well said. Glad to have Mel on the dark side... :D