
Well Known Member
According to the local news and the Friends of Miegs there was an "open meeting" (apparently noone was allowed comment during the meeting but it was "open") of the Chicago Park District who has "jurisdition" over what happens to the former Meigs site.

According to the news reports out of a room full of people in opposition to the Park Districts plans to build a "temporary" outdoor concert area with seating for 8,000 there was mcuh support (1 person out of a roomful) for the plan (according to the head of the Park District) and that the concerts will begin in June THIS YEAR with construction to start NEXT MONTH.

Think it was a done deal Daley style just like the midnight rip up?

On the positive side Da Mayor has a probable contender in Jesse Jackson Jr and HE has come out publically that he would support the Planes & Parks proposal put forward by Friends of Miegs (www.friendsofmiegs.org).

He has a real chance of beating King Richie and if he is true to his word Meigs could live again.

If not the word is, as cartoons on the site even indicate, that the site could become the site for the new Trump Casino if approved by our legislature.

One last tidbit, Mayor Daley has been named in a report by a former Federal Prosecutor (shown on local news last night as well) named Terry Brunner who claims that Da Mayor has lead a highly corrupt operation of O'Hare Airport authority and that he recommends an investigation. BTW the funds he used to tear up the runways was from O'Hare's federal grants for improvements at O'Hare which has brought charges from Congress over that, yet to be decided as to penalties.

This could get real interesting and in the end good 'ol Meigs Field may not be totally dead yet.

As promised more as it develops, sorry for the length.
Gag Me!

I have said it once and I will say it again.....The man belongs in a Federal prison somewhere.

I am CERTAIN this is very old rumor, but one that I had not heard before: I was in NY this week with a co-worker/pilot from Chicago. He says that for years, it has been rumored that Daley "tore up the field to settle a bet he had made". ?????? Something along the lines of a bet that Daley had made with some other high-rollers, and in an effort to win the bet, he had the runway torn up at midnight? This is probably an urban legend, but I thought I would throw it out there to see if anyone else had heard this?