Tom Maxwell

Well Known Member
Does anyone have the scoop on Meigs Airport Subdivision near Tomball Texas? I drove by their yesterday and it doesn't look like much if any progress has been made in a very long time. They were suppose to start building homes this time last year and it doesn't look like they will be ready to build any time soon. I am just curious about what the hold up might be.
Their plan looks really good, but I still have a few questions about it too.

Do you know if you have to use their builder??? I looked at the site and it seems like you have to buy their lot and use their builder to build your home. That's a little scary to me.

Have you heard anything?
When I looked at it over a year ago you had to use the owners builder. Shortly after he jacked the price over 10k and said you could use another builder. Not sure now however. Seems like any progress on the runway is very slow.
On my trip to Houston I stopped by Meigs Field to see the status.
Here are some images. Doesn't look like an airpark yet.

Just as a theory, could the house about 100 yards from the end of the proposed runway be causing a problem with the approval process to activate the runway? I love planes but I would be nervous if I owned that house.:eek:



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It just seems that any airport named Meigs shouldn't look forward to a bright future. Anyone seen any bulldozers around there?
I'd say that just about any project that depends on single family "home building" is going to be at a slow pace these days.

I've been involved in the home building industry since 1970, and this isn't the year for speculating high priced housing. The banks just are not loaning, and it can easily mean the demise of builders with even the best of intentions.

FWIW, this is the third major cycle of housing slowdown that I've experienced. Another one in the 60's hit before I was doing this (HVAC). But it always seems to re-bound, sooner or later.
