
Are there any AME's here that could answer hypothetical questions for me? Or maybe just someone with a similar situation.

To make a long story short, what are the chances of someone getting approved for a class III medical if they are on high blood pressure medicine and diabetic? Does it just involve extra paperwork, but not a problem for the most part? Or is it pretty slim chances that the medical will get approved?

Obviously if the latter is the case, then it'd be better just to not apply and work toward the sport pilot license. But I know the PPL would be a much better option if the medical issues were not an issue to passing the physical.

Any help would be greatly appreciated because I'm hoping we can finally get the ball rolling on getting my father in the air. It's always been his dream, and now that I'm in pilot training for the AF, the bug has bit him good again, and I want to get him rolling down the hill before the fire is gone or faded away. Thanks.
What kind of Diabetes? Medicated and under control Type II can get a Class I or II. Even Insulin dependant can get a Class III if it's under control and the protocols/requirements are followed. Add in the high BP and I don't know.

I'd ask your Flt Doc at Vance...if he can't answer, he can probably hook you up with a local AME.

Lastly, you can try this link, but it costs some cash. It's highly confidential, and will DEFINATELY get you your answers


Additional Info

As noted above additional information would help in a response. Like, your blood pressure and under what condirions. What is your A1C value? Any complications noted?
I have obtained a medical at 68 with both type II diabetes and"white coat syndrom" high blood pressure.
If you are a member of AOPA check out the Medical Forum. You will probally find helpful information and could obtain additionl help there.

try jetcareers

www.jetcareers.com has a sub-forum with an AME on it. He answers hypothetical questions all the time.

(It's on the "general" forums page, one of the main headings is "ask a flight surgeon")

as long as the medication you are taking are approved (look on AOPA and they have a list of meds) and your diabetes is controlled, should be no problem. If you have a normal A1C, controlled, and are having no problems, class III is should be no problem. Larry Blumberg, MD AME
Suggest You Check with AOPA Before Using a Pay Service

I second Starbird's response - if he's a member, have your dad send his medical records to AOPA, and for free, they will give him their read on it.

They were helpful for me.


PS - Good luck with UPT. I was class 70-02 at Laredo
HBP meds

re HBP meds, no worries if you take those approved, and at the max approved doses or less. I take a low-dose med, my pressure's just perfect at home, but I'm usually up measurably in the doc's office due to white coat syndrome. (I tend to think that the 155/90 upper range accounts for "white coat" types like me.)

I needed to have my personal doc take 3 separate acceptable readings (showing that the meds have things controlled) an EKG, and a blood test. Then, I took this info, plus a letter from my doc, to the AME. All quite doable.

My biggest resource was the AOPA. The AME was also helpful.

I also found the FAA to be thorough but quite fair.

re diabetes, other posters know more about that. I have, however, seen an airshow performer who is insulin dependent and is sponsored by a drug firm.

Working with your AME and the AOPA will help you identify what information you need to request from your doc. Good luck getting the all the info together, and with a hopefully positive result.
More info coming

Thanks for the replies so far everyone. My father has done a lot of research with the AOPA and on the EAA website. He even downloaded some 200+ page thing from the FAA website to try and figure this thing out. He would really rather go for the full Private Pilot License, but is so afraid of not passing the medical and then having no chance for anything.

I'm not sure of the exact medicines he is taking, but I can find that out. He told me his BP the other day was about 125/80 (but I don't know what it would be without the medication). I'm pretty ignorant about diabetes too, so I don't know what type he has. I know he tests every morning, and it is usually around 110 or so. Again, I'm sure this is with medications.

So I'll get all the other info I can and be back with it as soon as I can. Then hopefully we can push him in the right direction. Thanks again.

Another option would be to find a friendly ME and as him/her to do a "preflight" with the idea of answering the question "am I likely to pass a medical exam?" If the answer is no, then just go for the SP route.

Medication info

It took a little longer than I thought it was going to for me to get the medication info. But here is the name and amount of the medications my father is currently using.

1. metforman 500 mg 2 x daily
2. amlodipine 5mg 1 x a day
3. lisinop- hctz 20-12, 5tab mylan 2 x daily
4. simvastatin 40mg tab teva 1 at bedtime
5. janumet 580-500mg tab merck 2 x daily
6. atenolol 50mg 1 x daily
7. asprin 325 mg 1 x daily

This list doesn't even make sense to me, but hopefully one of the AME's can make sense of it. I'm not even sure what pills are for high blood pressure and which ones are for diabetes. Anyhow, if anyone can help, I'd appreciate it. Thanks again,
