
Well Known Member
I am posting this question for a friend.

What is the distance from the ground to the fuse just forward of the horz stab on completed RV-7As and RV-9As? He did stress completed ships. Many thanks.

870 completed RV-7/7As
550 completed RV-9/9As
0 Responses:confused:

Anybody? Do I need to post a video to get some feedback:D

Bueller?... Bueller?... Bueller?:D
I don't have direct access to my RV9-A right now but from Vans scaled drawings it appears to be about 37.5inches from the ground up to the fuselage bottom at leading edge of the HS, that's for an RV9-A. Don't know if this value is accurate enough but should be fairly close.
It is colder than Appolonia on Prince's purple motorcycle in winter here so I haven't been in the shop since last week. I will try to get out this weekend and take a measurement and post what I find.
My RV-9A is a dozen-step trip down. Wings and emp is separate from fuse now but everything else attached (engine cowled, prop, panel, canopy etc) Ask him if he needs measurements like that.