
Well Known Member
Dana Overall, my chase pilot flying in Black Magic, called in 10 minutes out so it was time. Taxied out to the end of our grass strip (3EV) and couldn't think of anything cute to say so we just did it. Ugly looking takeoff but we were in the air with Black Magic orbiting overhead waiting for me to join up. Long story short, we landed at EVV for a cross country first flight of a whole 5 miles. Thanks to Pierre the landing was a pretty good one :D

Thanks to all of the people involved and Pictures to follow.
I set up a schedule of flying 3 times a day, sometimes 2 hrs each. Had that baby done in no time. Now the fuel bill, ouch
Got pics!!

Congrats Steve and job well done on your first flight. Here are a couple shots, the only ones I have are when I was a ways away, didn't want to be taking pics while up close and personal:D

Steve, at 4500 above Evansville Regional. We did a racetrack above the airport for about 20 minutes while Steve did his stalls, slow flight etc.


Just getting out of his airplane on the ramp after his successful first flight....flight suit and all. See RV grin:D


Making the obligatory phone calls:D


Drum roll please...............................proof is in the.....BUGS!!!!!!!


Again, good job Steve.
I had to show off the bugs from my first flight also. I left them on for a while. Somebody would come by and say, have you flown it yet, I would say sure nuf, see the bugs. Way to go steve.