
Well Known Member
The only nice day in recent history for Colorado & the Front Range. Cold and snow headed back our way this week. Had to get a little stick time... :cool:

Taken with the Samsung G3.




Regards & Stay Warm my Flying Friends,
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Scott - glad you got a bit of nice weather. Last week, we got over 2' at our house. It was clear today but COLD! -6 this morning. Come on over the hill someday for lunch on me.

Scott - glad you got a bit of nice weather. Last week, we got over 2' at our house. It was clear today but COLD! -6 this morning. Come on over the hill someday for lunch on me.


Scott the second picture is half frozen please warm it up Shadow Chaser :D

Hey there Rocky, 2 feet of snow time to break out the snowmobiles! I will have to take you up on your offer sometime.... when it's warmer & less snowy. :cool:

Vlad, for some reason the second picture is a different size, but it shows up OK when I view it.... I tried re-sizing it but it made it smaller, no bueno. :(Curious if anyone else is having that problem? Could be an Image Shack issue of some kind.