
Well Known Member
I was just wondering how long on average it takes to get the inspection and paperwork done in Canada for the final inspection. I have the Precover inspection done, and will be ready for final inspection in say about two months. Should I apply now, or wait a little. A RV flyer at a flyin suggested that I should apply now. Is this right?
...ready for final inspection in say about two months. Should I apply now, or wait a little.

If you are that close, then you need to apply for a C of R (assuming you have already applied and reserved the marks). Apply for a final inspection to MDRA ($800 or so), and you will get a paperwork package. You fill out a C of R application from that package, with a photo of registration marks (airplane 3/4 view with wings and all), data-plate photo (data-plate showing the pop rivets, and one in detail showing all the writing). Send this out with another check ($50 ?... can't remember) to Transport Canada.

Once you have received C of R, and are almost ready for inspection, fill out the preliminary application for C of A, and have your inspector review it for correctness. My inspector insisted on reviewing before coming over for the final inspection, as it is a real hassle (paper chase at Transport Canada if there are mistakes) if the paperwork is filled out incorrectly.

Timeline.... I received my C of R within a week or two of application. My friend received his C of A about 3 weeks after final inspection.
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I do believe you are supposed to be completely finished before applying for final inspection, ( I'm not positive). But I called my local MD-RA and kept in touch with him. He is very accommodating and we just kept updating on when the final inspection would take place. Keep in mind these people have a life also and they volunteer their time.