
Well Known Member
I have to take my wife to Rochester in early June for some test. We are flying the RV6A. Signature Rochester Wants $179.00 to park on their ramp. Please is anyone based at RST have a parking space. I'm willing to pay you, but not Signature. Alternatively are there ground transport from another airport, Dodge Center, or whatever. I don't need a car, I can stay close to the Clinic.

Wish I could help and this adds nothing to the conversation, but I refuse to give signature any money for their highway robbery scam. Even when flying in for military I look at what other FBO's are around that we can stop at instead of giving signature anything.

Go to the VAF white pages. There are two names on the list from Rochester. I suggest you call them and ask advice.

There are lots of places to keep airplanes in the area. For example, I kept my RV4 in Austin KAUM for $130 per MONTH. But you would need a rental car if you chose to go that route.
Try getting a ride through Uber, they tend to work out surprisingly well.

Best of luck finding a more accommodating place to park.
I think Signature is the only FBO at RST, I've seen them come up before in discussions about operators taking advantage of people who need to go into that airport. AOPA lists these folks as another business at RST, not an FBO but there is an RV-8 on their website at least, perhaps they have some helpful intel: www.spectrumpilotservices.com

Dodge Center is a nice rural airport. I live about 35 minutes north from Mayo and have only been to RST for stop-and-gos. www.gorochesterdirect.com is a Rochester shuttle service that goes to the Twin Cities and other places, maybe they would do a run to Dodge Center.
Contact Ronn Den Ouden, [email protected], cell 507-269-7315. He is an airline pilot who owns a RV-8 and is also a member of our builders group. He can probably come up with a better option. I fly into RST and Signature fairly often and generally they will give RVs a break on the ramp fee of $25. For a lengthy stay it might be another issue. If you can't get ahold of Ron, contact me directly at [email protected] and I'll see if we can come up with a plan.
I Think I Can Help

First of all, the Mayo Clinic is a WONDERFUL place, but not a place you would normally WANT to come to (or any other clinic, for that matter). I hope things are not too serious and that you get nothing but good news once you are here!

Second, I am a member of the Southeastern Minnesota Flying Club here at KRST and also a member of EAA Chapter 100 out of KTOB (Dodge Center). I will send a note out to all members and ask for space in hangars.

In the meantime, Doug's advice to contact Ronn DenOuden is spot on. Between the two of us, I am sure we can come up with something. I will private message you one way or another after a couple of days. Private message me if Ronn comes up with something (BTW, Ronn owns an RV6 himself and I am about a month or two away from completing an RV-7A).
Got you Covered

Texdog, got you covered. I will send you a private message. Glad to help a fellow RVer!!!
Rochester Mayo Clinic

The RV folks from Rochester really came through with a good plan. I appreciate the RV family a great deal and we are humbled by the response and will try our best to return in kind when we can.

Fred and Judie.
I know this doesn't help the original post. But could help future searchers.

The Land to Air Express goes from Dodge Center to the Mayo Clinic 2 times per day at a cost of $8. Looks like they leave right by the airport in Dodge Center. Maybe 1/2 mile walk. Then a 20 minute bus ride. My daughter lives in Rochester and works at the clinic so I have been looking at how to get there to visit.

While I drove to Mayo for my wife , I did go out to the airport ( 7 miles out of town ) and ask a few questions. They have cheaper self serve fuel away from the Signature site and I would call the airport manager to ask about reasonable parking.