Well Known Member
In the plans it has a note on the Flight Control page DWG 79.

Maximum stick length is 15 inches from the pivot bushing.
Is that more of a limitation for clearing the panel or does it have to do with flight control characteristics?

I have seen some installs with modified lower panels and longer sticks. I think there is even one out there with a -14 stick in it and I recently saw an airplane with a super funky “C” bend that put the grip way back and way up. That one had to be way longer than even the 17-18” I am working with.

Thanks for the info.
yes the limit is clearing the lower edge of the panel.

But if your question is, can it be longer, bent, cut, modded, etc etc etc, yep, people have done all of those things to meet their specific needs.

In general if you have the stock panel, you will have to do some cutting depending on what stick grip you end up using to make everything clear. You want it as close to the recommended length to maintain the control forces as designed.
Thank you for the quick response Andy.

My new panel is being modified to allow for a taller stick and easier ingress/egress. I am using a Tosten mil style grip and a bent stick. It is actually perfect for my sitting height.
Thank you for the quick response Andy.

My new panel is being modified to allow for a taller stick and easier ingress/egress. I am using a Tosten mil style grip and a bent stick. It is actually perfect for my sitting height.

I’m not sure how a bent stick and modified panel will effect the geometry. On my airplane with the stock stick with a teakwood grip, I had to shorten the stick slightly to get it to clear the bottom of the panel.
Guess we’ll find out.

Mock up teaser.

View attachment 489

I think this might work out great for you!

I have a normal panel height. When I tried the bent stick I found that with the loss of leverage by moving the stick back, and the height to clear the panel I did not like the feel. Was hard to pull enough elevator to 3 point, and loop etc.

But with your longer stick solution and the bend it may work out just right! Come back and update us once you are flying!
Guess we’ll find out.

Mock up teaser.

View attachment 489

Nice Jason. I think you will like your set up. I have never been happy with the -8's stick height when compared to the -4. I have adjusted my seat height to a position to make it tolerable. My -8 is nose heavy with a Sensenich fix metal prop even with 25 Lbs in the aft baggage compartment. It could be fixed by using a Catto or GA prop should I want to spend the money.
It is FINALLY done'ish, this phase anyway. It is as I hoped, perfect. So much nicer to have the stick in the perfect position. Need to sort some things out and get some flight test done as we made pretty significant mods to the airplane. I'll post some results pics in a few months. It is just not quite ready for scrutiny.

I knocked down about three hours today with 5 landings, one with a maintenance professional in the back seat. I haven't flown anything but a simulator in four months and 12 days. I needed to knock some rust off.