
What is the max pax weight safe for rear place on the RV4
200 pouds?
Tanks haft
No baggage
And 80 mph on approach it is anough with that configuration?
Reference your own W&B for your aircraft, first of all. C/S and IO-360 on the nose will make it fly different than my wood prop and O-320...

That being said... I have done that exact load out in my airplane and it's, well... Noticable... It's at the aft limit if not just outside.

And Yes, I always use 80mph-ish because of my love of wheel landings and short gear. Even with a 200 Pounder in the backseat.
As noted, make sure you have a good solid W&B completed on your plane. If 200 lb passenger weight is acceptable, start off preferably with someone or something lighter. As a suggestion, don't go less than 1/2 tanks of fuel with a heavy passenger.
Ok thanks
2 weeks ago I do a flight with 115 lbs rear pax we lbs baggage?s full fuel ans was ok
But never try with more .
My CG/max PAX

200 max in my -4 ,and as others have said, I don't like heavy backseater with less than half fuel. The difference between a 115 and 200 lb will feel significant. Be aware, your pitch control will be extremely sensitive and it may challenge your landing/flare. I'm used to it now, and its no "bad" issue, just something to be prepared for. I have backseater 99% of my flights, so flying solo almost feels odd.
do you have a weight and balance?

Currently my -4 has a Catto prop and a IOX-340. I won't go past 180 lbs in my rear seat. Much above that and the aircraft is not enjoyable to fly. It becomes pitch sensative. You have to push forward on the approach to land, it becomes difficult to capture desired Gs without over shooting, approach speed goes up to do a wheel landing and so on.

When I put the 15lbs crush plate on, things become better but I still keep my 180 limit.
Much above that and the aircraft is not enjoyable to fly. It becomes pitch sensative.

100% agree. I jokingly tell everyone that my RV-4 is my little 1.5 seater...

I went for a ride in my own airplane (no throttle or rudder pedals in the back) with a friend who's looking to buy a -4. He was 240 pounds (solid muscle...) in the front and I was in the back at 200-ish and half tanks. It was "sporting" to say the least. Not something to make a habit of. Did a few rolls, but that was it. I just told him to make sure to keep it coordinated.
Like other noted, check W/B first. To get used to heavier passengers, I borrowed several bags of cement and would make a flight - go into the pattern for a bit, then land and throw another in. Worked it up to 180lbs. Very noticeable change in elevator forces required, but nothing bad if you are expecting it.

Biggest tendency was to overdo the round-out / flair or leap off the runway at takeoff due to light pitch inputs being all that is needed.
Do you understand?

Ok thanks
2 weeks ago I do a flight with 115 lbs rear pax we lbs baggage?s full fuel ans was ok
But never try with more .

People are telling you that the less fuel you have the farther aft the cg is?

With a very aft cg the airplane becomes much more difficult and demanding to fly. If you arent a stick and rudder person you might get into trouble.

Its not the weight. Its the cg
Just took my first passenger (wife) up last night in our new -4. From reading this post I was very nervous about the landing! After two landings last night I think I can call a back passenger sub 130lb a non event in my -4. It was pitch sensitive for sure on landing as you can see in this video but the second landing was much better. Not sure though I'm willing to try any 200lb guys anytime soon though.
Just remember - if you find yourself with an unexpected aft cg; forward (nose down) trim is your friend. It helps keep you from over controlling the aircraft due to increased pitch sensitivity.
Shawn cool video! What mounts are you using on the wing tips/tail for the cameras?


Same goes for me. Beautiful -4 and great video. Please share details of your cameras and mounts. Any noticeable impact to aerodynamics?


Bolton, MA
People are telling you that the less fuel you have the farther aft the cg is?


That?s true in the rv4 and many other rv?s. Do you disagree? While running the CG in foreflight I?ve noticed that I can be in limits for takeoff but approaching aft limit for landing and will sometimes get a zero fuel CG caution.
Fuel is forward of the spar. I'm not going to use absolutes and say this is the case with every -4, but in mine and others I've spoken with, additional fuel (weight) moves CG forward. To put another way, CG moves aft as fuel burns.

W&B with the -4 is a game; for me it's a question of: "Do I want to be in CG and over weight? Or aft and under gross?" I'll pick CG every time. No more than 200lb's behind my rollbar; 0-320 w/wood prop. I've flown the plane with the CG just aft of limits; its controllable (IN MY PLANE) but simply sucks the joy out of flying her entirely. Even a 120lb passenger, while better, changes the handling dynamics enough that I just prefer to fly solo, and doubly so if there's going to be anything more than an aileron roll.
Fuel is forward of the spar. I'm not going to use absolutes and say this is the case with every -4, but in mine and others I've spoken with, additional fuel (weight) moves CG forward. To put another way, CG moves aft as fuel burns.

You?re correct. Nate appeared to be questioning our logic as if it was flawed. I?d be surprised if any RV?r can get their CG (with flyable weights) to be in the very forward limit where your logic is incorrect. CG does in fact move aft as fuel burns.

Rv-4 CG range

Fuel tanks are 70 inch aft of datum

RV-7 CG range

Fuel tanks are 80.0 inch aft of datum
Maybe I wasnt clear

That?s true in the rv4 and many other rv?s. Do you disagree? While running the CG in foreflight I?ve noticed that I can be in limits for takeoff but approaching aft limit for landing and will sometimes get a zero fuel CG caution.

I was getting the impression the OP was under the impression that he could. Carry more weight in the back seat by reducing fuel. I was trying to explain that its not the weight as much as the CG with the RV4
