
Active Member
Hi all,

Does anyone know if there a big difference between mattituck TMXIO360 and aerosport IO360 ? For what i see in their website the cost become with a significative difference. Mattituck is selling their IO360 at 21,000us while aerosport is quoted at 23,000 (both for FP)! That?s a Sensenich prop difference (2k) or i am missing something here??

Also i wold like opinions about mattituck users about their engine as well as customer service and buying experience.


Both companies have an excellent reputation and I think both will build an engine pretty much anyway you like. I don't know much about Aerosport beyond their reputation, but I know the guys at Mattituck and they are great to deal with. I believe that Mattituck uses primarily ECI components at this time, but will mix and match ECI, Superior or Lycoming parts as needed or by the preference of the buyer. In addition, Mahlon Russell, Mattituck's technical support guy, is a big contributor to these forums, and will answer any questions you have, regardless of where you buy your engine. Mattituck also offers engine seminars peridoically where they build an engine while you watch, and describe the process in detail. A great learning experience.

Either way you go, I don't think you will be disappointed.
Eitherone is hard to beat!

My engine was built by Mattituck, and I have nothing but good things to say about it and the buying experience! I have also heard nothing but good things about Aerosport. I personally wouldn't pay much attention to advertised prices, becasue (as Paul Trotter says), they both will build the engine any way you would like it, and until you sit down with each of them and get down to specific parts, you can't really compare offers. Too many options, and you end up with apples and oranges.

So give Mahlon a call, and then Aerosport - if you are really shopping price, then get them both to bid on an identical package. I bet then your decsion will come down to "who is closer to you"!

While I have not mashed the start button on my Aerosport IO360, I can say that I had nothing but pleasureable experiences dealing with Bart and Sue. Likewise when I contacted Mattituck, I received good service as well.

I ended up going with Aerosport based on local flyers recommendations and experience. Plus I liked their standard warranty a tad better.

So no matter which you choose, I'm sure you'll receive an engine that will provide years of troublefree service.
Ditto everything said so far. I was down between Mattituck, and Aerosport, for an O-360. The price difference wasn't quite as much as you mentioned IIRC, but the warranty is a slam dunk winner for Aerosport. The engine is beautiful, and I have no concerns about what's inside.

I really respect Mahlon's advice, and public service on the forum, and would liked to have repaid that with an order, but I just couldn't see giving up Aerosport's 3 year from first run warranty, and going with Mattituck's 6 months from when they ship the engine warranty. Heck, I bet most builders have their engine more than 6 months before they even crank it, much less run it enough to find out if there's a problem. I like everything about Mattituck but the warranty.

TMX Engines

Mattituck has made a lot of improvements to the standard ECI/Superior package. Thats what makes it a TMX. This include spray nozzles for the cam and special maching of the case to improve lubrication. I wasn't aware of all the mods they made until I participated in a Mattituck forum at S&F where they let you tear down one of their TMX engines (under close supervision).

I even came back the following day and helped assemble it. After that forum, I was sold on a TMX.

Give them a call and ask them about their mods, do the same with AeroSport. You can't go wrong with either. They both have great products and excellent reputations.

Get ready to write that big check!


-Mike Draper
TMX 0360
Mattituck Experience

My engine purchase was the hardest, agonizing decision I had to make after what seemed like years of careful shopping around and comparing. Price was important but not as important as the reputation of the company that was building the engine I was going to fly behind. After speaking with most of the suppliers out there and anyone that would talk about their engine buy or service, I chose Mattituck mainly because of their exceptional reputation.

I visited their facilities on Long Island and, although they are one of the big players in the aircraft engine business, they seem more like a small family-run operation and they treated me like a member of that family. Of all the people I have talked with at fly-ins, Sun n Fun, Osh, etc., I have never got a bad report on Mattituck. My engine with its custom paint job is absolutely beautiful and the workmanship is outstanding.

Henrique, I know you can't go wrong with Mattituck on a decision as important as this. I don't work for Mattituck, know anyone personally there, or have had any contact with them since I drove away from their shop with my new engine.
I bought a parallel valve IO-360 from aereosport and can assure you that you will not be dissapointed.The price at the time was very competitive.
I personally put more weight on someone's good reputation than someone's good price.
The engine was ordered in March and promised on a date in December.
Sue called me within days of the promised date to tell me that the engine was ready to ship.
Now, 3 years and (250 hours RV8 flying time) later, I would do everything exactly the same.
In fact my RV10 will need an IO-540 before too long.
I've got to chime in here for Aerosport Power. Bart and Sue are really wonderful people to deal with. You simply cannot go wrong buying from them, and their service after the sale is legendary. Having said that, everyone I've talked to who has dealt with Mattituck has been very satisfied also. This seems to be a lucky case of having multiple great choices.
Henfique, My experience with Mattituck has been positive since the begining. I put an XP360 on my RV4 2 years ago and have had no problems. They even put the Christian inverted oil fitings on the sump at no extra charge. Again no complaints with Mattituck. Roger Moore N67PM
Where do you live

henriquerv9 said:
Hi all,

Does anyone know if there a big difference between mattituck TMXIO360 and aerosport IO360 ? For what i see in their website the cost become with a significative difference. Mattituck is selling their IO360 at 21,000us while aerosport is quoted at 23,000 (both for FP)! That?s a Sensenich prop difference (2k) or i am missing something here?? Henrique
Shop around, but it is not a matter of the company or product, both good. Where do you live. That may affect you decision. Shipping X-C can be several hundred. Also I don't know about Canada duties, I think there is a nominal fee. Either way it does not make enough diff. I'm more familiar with Matti tuck, and yes they have great prices. I like that they can are willing to customize your engine, being free to use ECI or Superior parts to advantage. Aerosport has a great rep as well. Toss-up. G
gmcjetpilot said:
Also I don't know about Canada duties, I think there is a nominal fee. G
I've been told that duties can run $1000-$1500 on engine imports. Just what I've been told...anybody correct or confirm this?
Hi,, I'm certainly not an expect (you're mileage will vary, yada yada yada) but I don't think there are any duties on aircraft parts any longer... in fact I'm almost positive (I never pay duties on shipments from Aircraft Spruce or other suppliers), what we do pay (canadians) are: both the sales taxes (provincial and federal) and good forbid you had it shipped by UPS, an astronomical "broker" fee. 23k engine I would be paying 3450.00 in sales tax. :)

cjensen said:
I've been told that duties can run $1000-$1500 on engine imports. Just what I've been told...anybody correct or confirm this?

I had no duties charged against my Aerosport that was shipped from BC to San Francisco. The downside of shipping an engine into the US: Sales tax. I know that some people like that they can buy an engine from another state and not be billed for sales tax (rather they are on the honor system to pay use tax - nuff said :p ). Unfortunately, shipping an engine into the US requires a social security # for customs, and using that number California made sure I paid my use tax.

I just received my use tax bill (1.5 to two years after the engine arrived). bummer.
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Duties and taxes

When I had my wonderful experience with Crossflow Aero out of the Toronto area :eek: the potential for Customs fees and potential state taxes was not disclosed.

After taking delivery of the engine the first time, my Customs fee was about $150 dollars. Six months later I got a bill from the State of Arizona for Sales tax based on the declaration from Customs that was sent to the Arizona Department of Revenue. This was $1353. This may vary from State to State.

I think Aerosport are some of the best in the business but I stay with a US company to avoid these things. With Mattituck, ECI, Superior why not buy American?

Also I believe ECI was the first to introduce the oil nozzles for the cam lobes. Watch for more exciting stuff from ECI.

Bottom line, I think all the US companies are winners.
Mattituck and Taxes

Henrique I'm not sure where you live but I forgot to mention that I didn't have to pay any sales tax on my TMX 0-360 that I picked up at their Long Island location. New York State suspended sales tax on aviation to help boost the industry in this state. I found this out after I ordered and boy what a nice suprise.
I have nothing to add other than it drives me crazy that Aerosport Power uses the term "naturally aspirated" to mean "not fuel injected" in their FAQ.

I know they have a stellar reputation, I'm just being nitpicky.

I am in the same boat as you, so this is a timely topic. I must start by saying I have heard nothing but positive reports about either company, and I don't think you could go wrong with either. I am leaning towards Aerosport for the following reasons:
1) Warranty - Aerosport is 3 years and Mattituck is 1.
2) Balancing - I believe Aerosport balances all rotating parts standard to 1 gram. I believe Mattituck's "standard" engine is to 2 grams or more (I know you can add blueprinting/balancing for more money). Not sure how much difference this makes in reality, but it can't hurt.

7A Finishing