
Well Known Member
Hi guys,
I just wanted to post a little write up on my experience yesterday at Mattituck. First off I don't have any relation to Mattituck in any way other than a VERY satisfied customer. I traveled out to Mattituck yesterday with a buddy of mine who is very knowlegble with engines, so I had some inside help. We got there and John(the gentleman who built my engine) was there and had all the parts for myTMX-360 out and ready to go. Now as a guy who knows nothing about engines I spent the next 9hrs learning more than I could have ever hoped about air cooled piston engines. John took the time to explain everthing he was doing and how the inspection process works. As the engine goes together they have inspections done so that at the very least two set of eyes go over everything. I watched my engine go from a crank shaft to a whole engine minus the carb in a day!!
I had alot of confidence in Mattituck before yesterday just from hearing about them and talking to Mahlon, but now I have supreme confidence in my engine and my ability to operate it in a safe manner. I can not express enough how impressed I was with everthing I saw while we where there.
If you need a engine I strongly urge you to consider Mattituck first, I never thought I would be so glad to write a check that big for anything!
Not only was the whole engine experience great but we also got a guided tour of the antique car museum as well as the whole shop at Mattituck, and we even got to see Bruce Bohannons "Flying Tiger" we did not get the pleasure to meet him but his plane was there!
Overall a great Day!!
Kirk Groves RV-8 with a new TMX-360!!!
What a ripoff!

You mean you didn't get a chance to FLY Bohannon's rig!?!


Hahahaha, seriously... it sounds like you had a great experience there!

Glad to hear that you are so pleased!

When I attended the seminar, I had a similar experience... but it cost me less!

Good luck with your engine!