
Well Known Member
So this is an elementary question, but on the HS SB00036 on a non pre punched spar, what is the process to match drill the new (non PP) hinge brackets to the existing spar holes if you are not removing the skins?

Is it acceptable (and this is an engineering question) to put new holes 90* from the existing ones and abandon the old holes?
Strap duplicator. Easy to make or pretty cheap to buy. will put the holes where they need to be.drill the first hole with some careful measuring and marking, and use tje duplicator to place the rest of the holes where they belong.

Edit: could also use a laser level similar to how people mark the drill location for opaque fairings. Basically set up a laser level on the hole in the spar, then put the new hinge in place and drill where the laser indicates.
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