
Active Member
:confused: I have read and heard conflicting information. Is it necessary to match drill the rivet holes to size on the RV-12 (or are they punched to the correct size already)?

Thanks. :D
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:confused: I have read and heard conflicting information. Is it necessary to match drill the rivet holes to size on the RV-12 (or are they punched to the correct size already)?

Thanks. :D

First off...Van's uses two different drill descriptors in the kits.

Match drill - means to drill a non existing hole in a part (or parts) using a prepunch hole in another part as a guide. This happens very little in an RV-12 kit. Primarily the longeron angles in the fuselage kit (it's hard to punch holes in 1/8" thick aluminum angle).

Final drill - Means to cleco together mating parts and drill the prepunched holes to final size (because the were punched under size). This is primarily done with holes that will be dimple countersunk. The only Final drilling done on an RV-12 kit is with a few small parts that are common to other kits (meaning they have holes that were not punch to final size).

The major majority (probably 98%) of all the holes in an RV-12 kit are prepunched to final size and ready for riveting.
[/QUOTE]The major majority (probably 98%) of all the holes in an RV-12 kit are prepunched to final size and ready for riveting.[/QUOTE]

I appreciate the clarification. Apparently some of the people at Van's are not up to speed on the RV-12 as I got a different answer from one of their sales people today.

Thanks. :)