
VAF moderator
Hello Everyone! Here is the Master Plan.
1. Build a RV-7a and get the experience.
2. Use it to achieve my instrument ticket
3. Sell it (Only if I have to) and use my experience (and any profit I make if any) to build a rv-4 with the tall man conversion and a hopped up motor and a razor back. I want it to be just like N230A, Dave Anders rv-4. I already talked to Harmon and they would love to take my money... not that I blame them.

The money for the tail kit is ready, I've got a 1600lb tool box(with it's own suspension system) full of real tools just begging to be used.... not like I dont already use them already doing annuals and such.. but this is different. All I need is somebody to respond to this thread and tell me to do it and I will assign all or part of the blame on you....grin.... so if you want to hop on the bandwagon and give me somebody to blame for twisting my arm and making me order the tail kit... Please go ahead and do so!:D

edit: Change in plan.. it's a math problem really... since a lot of my friends are 200 plus.. I'll build the 7a first... keep it and build or buy and modify the -4 later. I plan on being a repeat offender.... over and over.....I love flying... but it's better when you can take somebody with you!... espically if they help pay for gas... heh heh heh.... (Then I'll have the side by side that I can load up... and the -4 for just me when I want to travel and fly formation and stuff. (cause with the tall man conversion... not many people will be able to fit in the back... )

Among the list of People I'd like to assign credit... ummm I mean blame is Ty Connel, Jeff and Don Swords, Jamie, Moose, Su-bob, Kahuna, Pierre... and of course Doug Reeves... and all the other great people out there.
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Wow! that was quick, it will be ordered at start of business tomorrow!

hmmm.. now I need to change my signature line!
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Why not go straight to the 4?
With your background, Id ditch the 7, get instrument in spam can, build the plane you really want first.
Life is too short to be messin with all that building for a throw away plane.
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Blame me too.....

.....but follow Mike's advice...ditch the -7, go for the -4. I did Brian's first flight in the -4 about 6 weeks ago and have flown it several more times. Super flying machine but my -6 is about as good.

Git er done:D

Do what you want. There are people on these boards with a lot more experience and knowledge than me, so can offer *wiser* advice, but in the end, you have to be comfortable with the decision you make regardless of outside influences.

This isn't a knock to anyone on this thread - they are wiser than I in all respects building and flying. But feel free to ignore any of us, especially me, if it doesn't fit with what you want to do.

I'll help you with it, whatever it is.

And like I told you, I'll have a 7 at some point, and we can always swap for the weekend if you want to fly it. :)
All I can say is that building an entire airplane even once is a HUGE job. With all due respect to those working on a tail, or even wings, you've got more ahead than you can imagine. I've been building stuff all my life, but nothing was as big a job as this plane. I can't imagine doing it twice. Build the -4 first.
Hey Brian:

Follow these guys' advise and build the plane you really, really want! You won't regret it. Besides, if money is an issue generally the -4 is a cheaper airplane to build (cheaper kit, etc). With all your contacts surely you can find a spam can to do your instrument in.

Whatever you do, stop dreaming and start doing. You certainly have the skills and knowledge. There's no doubt in my mind that your RV will be fantastic.

It's ordered...

The order has been faxed!!!!

The airplane I really want for now is the 7a... The airplane I really want for myself to fly after this one is the -4.... I'll bang out the tail kit on the -7a and then probably order the -4 tail kit while I'm waiting on the wings to the -7a.. Building in the basement or right down the street will enable me to knock out whatever I'm doing quickly. I already talked to a guy with a -4 with the tall guy option and he will be selling it in the next two years.. I'll probably buy it from him. In the meanwhile I'll keep flying the yankee....bang out the -7a and keep it forever...
You guys are great!!!
Brian Wallis
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Brian, I completely get where you're coming from.

As a n00b, I support it wholeheartedly! Blaze the trail, man!

I'm still dreamin' but I see where Brian is coming from:

1) Build a "trainer" to get used to the slippery beasts in a dual environment. Build it as best I can. Always plan on selling it so I don't get attached to it.

2) Build "my" plane after and/or with the "trainer". Use any and all experience from building the "trainer" to build "my" plane. "Imma have a really cool plane! No mistakes!" (yah, right ;)

More power to ya! I will await progress reports on both. If you've got the $$ and the determination, you can make both happen. Even if you run out of $$ or determination you should still have a kick-a 7 so there's no harm done, right?