
Well Known Member
Inventoried my RV-9A fuselage kit. Ordered dual brakes and received two masters. Only two on the packing list and frankly, I assume two is enough!

Then I was at a Twin Cities RV Builders lunch today at ANE and noticed that the planes there with dual brakes had FOUR masters. Hmmmm. What am I missing here? Should I have four?
Missing masters

The copilot side master cylinders and hardware are in a separate package due to the right side brakes being an option .did the same thing.
I am sure that you are correct, but somehow I missed seeing them in that second package when I did inventory. Gonna have to look hard again tomorrow. I thought that I did such a careful inventory. Thanks.....oh....and I need to use my head! Obviously four masters are needed. This isn't a car with one driver. (I should never have quit drinking.)