
Hi all, rv9daughter Kate here :)

It has been rather cold, rainy, and just generally dreary in St.Paul lately, but today cleared up to be sunny and beautiful. So when my dad (Pete Howell) woke me up at the bright and early hour of 10:00 this morning, I had no option but to say I would drag myself out of bed to fly and meet a friend of his while enjoying the beautiful day from the plane.

My very favorite airplane guy, Bernie, tagged along, and we headed to Mason City to meet a friend of my dad's and eat lunch. Here Bernie is preparing for the journey:

While waiting for dad to finish up whatever pre-flight nonsense he was doing, I decided that we could use an updated paint job.

Dad dawdles around the hangar doing something or another for longer than necessary and I am ready to take off, but he is not, so a selfie-session commences. Buckled up, safety first!

Time to taxi out. You're building this one next, right dad...?

Bernie is ready!

And we're off! Dad is too cool and busy for a selfie though.

I call this one "my daddy and my city." I love this view, I am always asking my dad to take me above the skyline at sunset- there's just nothing prettier.

A couple of naps and a lot of John Mayer songs later, we made it to Mason City to meet my dad's friend Mike, who was the sweetest. Lunch was Panchero's - dad was a happy camper.

Thanks for following along! More to come this summer :)

P.S. If anyone who lives in maybe, Florida, California? the Bahamas? wants to become good pals with my dad, we wouldn't mind visiting.......