
Well Known Member
Yesterday I had ignition noise on my transponder and Martin suggested that "if the ferrule is not fully tight on the end of the plug, ignition noise will result". The noise showed up as a constantly replying transponder and ghost traffic on my trafficscope.

I flew this evening to take aerial pics of my son's baseball game and still had the noise and ghosts. I was able to isolate the noise to the right side (top) ignition system, so I pulled the cowl, and pulled the plugs. I did check and all the plug leads were firmly seated on the plugs. Inspecting the plugs, I found on one plug, the ferrule was loose! I tightened all the ferrules firmly, and reinstalled the plugs(they looked great).

Had time to get a quick flight in and the noise and ghosts are gone. I gained 10knots and became better looking, too.....

Many thanks to Martin - I owe you a soda!
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