
Well Known Member
Just wanted to post a note about a recent discovery that I made. It is not a new item but it is new to me. As many of us have encountered stressed relationships with our spouses I thought that I would share my experience with you. As you might guess, my relationship with my wife has been stressed since I started building my plane. It was not just the plane but the build has pushed the stress to a new level.

A friend of mine suggested that I read the book, Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. Well I happened to have the tapes on a shelf and had never given them a thought. I can't even tell you where I got them.

I can tell you that this guy is a miracle. I have spent about an hour and a half listening to the tape. Oddly enough while building the plane. It is as though this guy watched our relationship and wrote the book. I have gained an understanding of the events that take place in a marriage. As I have listened I remember things that have occurred in my relationship and I am just amazed. Not only does the book help you identify what is going on and why but it helps you understand and correct behavior patterns. I have spent the last few days using some of the methods that apply to my situation and to be frank, I am seeing a change in my wife. Not because I am changing her but because I am changing due to my new found understandings and she is responding.

I got her to listen to the tape and I think that she understands what I am doing and why. We have not had an argument over the plane or anything else in about a week. Even money, the big one.

Just a little life changing discovery that I though that I would share. We can all see a lot clearer when the clouds og away. Good luck all.

DR I do not know if this is appropriate for the forums but I know that any person that reads the book or listens to the tape will improve their relationship with their significant other. BTW not just for married persons. Single guys and gals will benefit as well. Maybe this goes under product reviews.

[ed from dr: perfectly appropriate post, Bill. I may go look for the book at the library]

PS. If you like this tape get the others in the series. I am a believer.
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In addition, another good one is "The 5 love languages" by Chapman.

Try it , yu'll like it.

wild at heart

Just read John Eldridges book Wild at Heart (while in Maui) two weeks ago and did the first part of the seminar this past weekend, I give it a strong recomendation. The video series is inspiring. Communicating with the wife a little more ......