
Well Known Member
Well, Since October, I have been waiting for Feb 23rd to roll around, since that was trhe day that Grady set me up for GLO Custom, and guess what?? The weather was perfect for a flight from Athens, GA to Dallas on the 22nd. Now I've never done a solo cc of this magnitude before, even though I've been flying since 1970. The Army always gave you a crew to go along! I was happy to have the Navaid, and Altrak.

I left Athens, went just north of Atlanta, direct to Columbus MS, and then on to Greenville MS for gas and a great lunch in the terminal. Did I mention the 12-15 knot headwind? and the LARGE crosswind.

On to 52F, with a tail wind! and got in there about 1:30, with another crosswind, with just under 5 hours flight time total. Awesome! Guess I have that crosswind landing figured out now. About the first thing I noticed was Doug's cowl. After missing him at Oskosh, maybe I'll meet him yet.

Visiting with Grady, and actually talking about real paint was the perfect end to that day.

My brother-in-law picked me up, gave me beer and dinner, and then got me to DFW early Friday, and I'm back in Athens.
