
Well Known Member
For those that have marked their flaps for position can you share your marking method. I am a big supporter of the KISS principal so I am going the no positioning system route.

Permanent marker lines drawn on flap at selected intervals on LH side. Quick look out to the left and count how many lines you can see (1, 2, or all 3). It has worked great for 6 years.

I'm like you. Less is better. Full flaps is 12 seconds down, half flaps is 6 seconds down. I only use no flaps, half flaps, or full flaps. If for some reason I forget to count, I can now visually tell when they are at any of those three positions.

If you do want a visual indication, just use a sharpie where the outboard leading edge of the flap meets the wing top skin per Philip's suggestion above.
Like you, I kept mine Van's simple.

No marks of any kind because I found out for landing there are two settings, up and down.

Abeam the numbers I drop in all the flaps and trim it and keep that speed until the flair. Very simple and an easy way to make consistent approaches.

For soft field operations I lower the aileron and drop the flap to match it.
I printed an adhesive label with 15, 30 and 40 on it in the right spots for them to line up with the top skin. Stuck it on the left flap and covered it with the flap tape.
I use the timing method and also I have colored stripes painted on the flaps for verifying the position. Simple and works great.
I used black pin-stripe tape on the left flap. I have 3 marks at 10, 20, 30 degrees (I think, don't even remember any more). Mostly I count to 3 for each 'notch' of flaps, and just look at the marks for reference.
Single sharpie mark at the down aileron

1. Normal approach, To the mark at the numbers, full flap when field made
2. Wheel landings to the mark
3. Soft field take-off to the mark

Seems to work and simple

I printed an adhesive label with 15, 30 and 40 on it in the right spots for them to line up with the top skin. Stuck it on the left flap and covered it with the flap tape.

I think my marks are at 10 and 20 (30 being full, so no mark needed)
they are just printed black label strips about 8" long each, and since rarely in the weather, have lasted 8 years outdoors with no ill effect.
For what it's worth, full down aileron, about 15 degrees, is widely considered to be max lift flap setting, should you want to show that as takeoff flap setting.
I had these decals printed by the local graphics shop. They work well and give a little anticipation approaching 20?.

Flap Speed

I am with in hours or days of getting back in the air. Long story. I can't remember the flap speed I was using . What is desired speed for first flap,setting in a RV 4 ? Thank you. Ward Combs 402 871 1139 Blair, Nebraska. (BTA)
I am with in hours or days of getting back in the air. Long story. I can't remember the flap speed I was using . What is desired speed for first flap,setting in a RV 4 ? Thank you. Ward Combs 402 871 1139 Blair, Nebraska. (BTA)

100 mph max.
The RV-4, -6, and probably others are approved for 110 mph for up to 20ยบ flaps.