
I'm New Here
Based on news reports and some of his posts on here, it looks like we lost fellow VAF member Capt Mark Tyler Voss (RVZoomie) in last Friday's KC-135 crash in Kyrgyzstan. I can't say I knew Tyler, but I saw him around USAFA from time to time and had a few mutual friends.

Military identifies Fairchild KC-135 crew killed in crash

Thankful for his brave and selfless service and proud to know that he was a part of the VAF community. Here's a toast...
...Thankful for his brave and selfless service and proud to know that he was a part of the VAF community. Here's a toast...

Well said.

Sincerest sympathy to the family of Capt. Voss and appreciation for his service to our country.

P.S. I looked at some of his recent posts and it looks like he had purchased an RV-8 and had recently completed many changes to it. Some of us participated in answering his questions in this thread. My son did not know him, but he is a crew chief on Alabama ANG KC135s and he told me on Friday about the crash.
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I also never knew Tyler, but I'm forever endebted to him for his sacrifice. Searching his threads here to see what I could remember of him, I came upon this post that he wrote about taking military members flying in RVs:

I take guys out from the squadron all the time. Most of them have fallen into the jaded 'flying was fun but now its my job.' Whoever posted the military can take the fun out of anything was correct. A lot of times, before I take people up, I explain that the beauty of the RV is in what it isn't. I don't file, I don't worry about checking currencies, flight authorizations, constant evaluations or judgement from other pilots- I just go fly and do what's prudent to keep myself safe and my equipment intact. Then I sit back and let them attempt some touch and go's in the taildragger, which has humbled more than a few experienced fighter jocks. AF is work, and the RV is fun. Period.

Clearly he was a fine exemplar of our community. I'm honored even just to mingle among such great men as he.

Godspeed, sir.


p.s. he registered here as Mark, but his closest friends and squadron mates seem to all refer to him with his middle name, Tyler. Either way, Capt Voss was one of us. This is not the first time I've felt honored just being around the heroes in this community. I'm proud to associate with such fine people. RIP, Capt Voss.
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Prayers and condolences to his family. I have been emailing Tyler back and forth recently trying to get the prop bolts he needed to him. I am in the Air Force and am currently stationed at Lackland AFB in San Antonio and have done 3 tours overseas and whole heartedly respect Tyler, his beliefs, and the sacrifice he made and the continuing sacrifice his family has to endure. His dedication to his country and passion of flying is very apparent when speaking with him. His honorable life is celebrated and not forgotton. God bless those that gave some for our country and the few that gave all. I will pray for you and yours.
So sorry to hear about this. Having a son who flys for the Army, it hits home pretty hard. I went back and read many of Mark's posts. I wish I knew him better. God Speed Mark and our family prays for your family and you.
A disturbing event for sure. The crew was so young and just beginning life. A very sad time for their families.

For the KC-135 to simply explode in mid air is troublesome. But it has happened before.

I had an uncle who was a navigator on a special crew based at Andrews near Washington in the '60's. They flew secret missions all over the world. He was lost over the Pacific while monitoring nuclear tests by a foreign country. That airplane also exploded in midair, about all that was found were a few floating items like a crew helmet. The cause of the mishap was never determined, I still wonder if it had been shot down by a missile.

Flying or just being in a war zone is risky business. The people serving this country in the struggle with world terrorism are heroes indeed.
Tyler was a good dude. He was working on upgrading the panel on his RV-8 from steam to glass before this deployment. An American Flag now drapes the wing of his RV that sits in our EAA hangar.

Having spent 24 years as a USAF aircraft maintainer I've seen accidents like this too many times. It never gets any easier. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family at this time.

He'll be missed.

Rest In Peace; you, and the rest of your crew.

Tailwinds Brother,

~ Stitch462
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

To Tyler and Nicki, here's a toast...