
Well Known Member
I have decided on a paint scheme for my -7 and plan to honor a fellow Wisconsin native, Capt Edwin James (Jimmy) Fickler and his B/N Lt Robert Kuhlman from Richmond, Indiana who went missing in a Marine A-6A on January 17,1969 in the A Shau Valley, Vietnam. I spoke with Capt Ficklers sister today and she gave me her blessing which I was happy to get coincidently on Veterans Day.

The reason for my post is to see if there are any past or present members of MAG 11/VMA(aw)242 on this board. I am looking for any pictures, information, etc to help me honor these men to the greatest extent possible. Capt Ficklers sister will be sending me some photos and I would like to get in touch with a relative or acquaintance of Lt Kuhlman. Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you Veterans!
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I've searched the internet and have found some good information, thanks Bubblehead and Stick for your replies too. Anyone out there with first hand experiences/photos or more obsure internet sites or resources where I could look?
VMFA-334 MAG-11

Hi Gary, I was in VMFA-334 MAG-11 at Da Nang on January 17, 1969 and if I recall correctly VMA-242 was next to our squadron. VMFA-334 was an F-4J Phantom unit.

I was also a budding photographer with a Pentax 35mm camera and took lots of photos. I will do my best to locate something for you. If I can help any other way just let me know.
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I am still plugging away on my RV-7 build and want to revive this old thread. My paint scheme plans haven't changed and I'm still interested in finding out more about Captain Fickler and Lt Kuhlman. I have visited the Flying Leathernecks museum in Miramar where they have a restored A-6A in 242 colors which was very helpful. Any insight, contacts, etc regarding these men or squadron mates would be appreciated.