
I'm New Here
Has anyone installed the Van's map box in the panel?? The hinges don't seem to come together properly to allow it to close and open properly. Maybe it's the 3 rd dimension that is screwing me up. Please send a photo of a finished install if possible.
Has anyone installed the Van's map box in the panel?? The hinges don't seem to come together properly to allow it to close and open properly. Maybe it's the 3 rd dimension that is screwing me up. Please send a photo of a finished install if possible.

I have. The hinge needs to be installed far enough out that it allows the door to go vertical.

As an aside, I did something a little different- I copied an idea I saw somewhere and made the box removable from the front. I made a flange that the box attaches to, then put some nutplates on the back of the panel for the flange. With that I can remove the box and gain access through the panel, just in case.

Photos aren't great, but hopefully you get the idea.




I had the same problem. I ended up scrapping
The hinge that I had drilled according to the instructions.
In carpentry terms it's called hinge bound.
Start over with a new hinge. Mount the hinge to the door per instructions.

Put the door in place before you drill the hinge mounted
To the box. Kick it out at the bottom a 32nd or so. Hold the hinge down
On the box from above with a cut coat hanger and drill up from the bottom.
This should help. Just takes some patience.
I too had problems interperting the instructions. I ended up using a -4 hinge half on the door to get good edge distance for the rivets. I clamped the hinge to the door and clecoed the box to the panel. I then shuffled the hinge until It fit and then marked the holes. I drilled them undersize so I could move the hole slightly if necessary.
I would post a photo but I have not figured out how to do that.
I made a new door and used a new piece of hinge. The first one didn't work. Then I reversed the hinge so that the roll of the hinge faces down. If I make it out to the hanger tomorrow I'll take a picture.
Russel Koch
Every day it's a little closer
If this works I'll send alone three pictures of my map box. I install the hinge upside down and moved it out about an 1/8" The door was remade because I made the other one too small.

Russel Koch
Try Box mount on other side of panel

On mine only the door is on the panel side - looks neat and works well.
I can't post photo but can email you one if you need it
Do you really want a box?

I have to comment here, as it's on my pet peeve list.

Sit in the pilot seat, strap in, then try to get something out of the back of the map box. IMPOSSIBLE.
Can't see in there, can't reach, etc.
I also like to grab something out of it when standing in front of the right wing, like when you need a screwdriver halfway thru your walkaround.
Why not make it a drawer!? Grab the handle, pull 3/4 of it out, and you can see and access what you want!...ok, you'll want to latch to to keep in from sliding into your lap on those steep climbouts.

my $.02
I installed plate-nuts on the outside, bottom of the map box, and then mounted the door with machine screws inserted form the inside of the map box, through the door hinge. This gives you some room to adjust the door and hinge for the "perfect" fit. It also allows you to easily remove the map box door if you need to.
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