
After riveting the spar doubler to the vertical stab spar, I realized I was riveting with the Manf. Head on the side of the spar (Shop Head on the doubler side) rather than riveting the Manf. Head from the doubler side. Does this matter? They are not flush rivets. I got that part correct.

Really hoping I did not waste my evening and have to order new parts:( ..... if so, good(and expensive) riveting practice I guess. :p
Generally you'll get less distortion with factory head on thinner metal side, so that's a general rule of thumb. However, I routinely violate that rule of thumb if the potential for having to drill out a rivet might be high. In that case, the factory head goes on whichever side I'd have easier access to when it comes time to drill it out.
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You're fine, it's not that critical. The VS spar is pretty thick, it won't make a lick of difference.
So the concern I had was if it was a strength issue. I guess it should not be but I tend to overthink this project sometimes. New builder 60 hours in and strive for perfection.
The reason for this ‘rule’ is that you’re more likely to not have the two pieces slightly separated when you drive the head on the thinner piece.
Most times in people's build sites, they have the manufactured head on the doubler side on their vertical and horizontal stabs.. I think they do it for looks, but it sounds like the way you have it is more technically correct! Build on!