
Active Member
Manual Trim Elevator Wheel / Defrost Fan

Has anyone installed a manual
Elevator trim wheel in the RV 14? If so, I would be interested in how to.

Also, I intend to fly IRF and have a need for a defrost fam to remove ice that my accumulate on the windscreen. Does the existing defrost features on the RV 14 have this capability?

Thanks for your help!
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Has anyone installed a manual trim wheel in the RV 14? If so, I would be interested in how to.

Also, I intend to fly IRF and have a need for a defrost fam to remove ice that my accumulate on the windscreen. Does the existing defrost features on the RV 14 have this capability?

Thanks for your help!

The kit supplied fans are not promoted as being defrost fans. They are de-fog fans. They would not be capable of removing anything frozen (like frost) and especially not ice accumulation.
Run Away!

If you find yourself in icing in a recip, your first concern should be to exit said icing ASAP!

Don't lead yourself down a Rosy Path! Playing with fire here
Has anyone installed a manual trim wheel in the RV 14? If so, I would be interested in how to.

Also, I intend to fly IRF and have a need for a defrost fam to remove ice that my accumulate on the windscreen. Does the existing defrost features on the RV 14 have this capability?

Thanks for your help!

I installed Aerosport?s trim on my 14 for rudder trim. I like it and it works OK