
Well Known Member
It’s a bit disappointing to get to the stage where during installation of the stock manual trim cable that it says “if installing fuel injection, order the larger 191” trim cable”. A bit late now... what a waste of money.
Just call Vans

It’s a bit disappointing to get to the stage where during installation of the stock manual trim cable that it says “if installing fuel injection, order the larger 191” trim cable”. A bit late now... what a waste of money.

I did exactly the same thing. When I realized it I called Vans and they gladly exchanged the shorter trim cable for the longer on I needed, even though the time limit of exchanges had run out.
Perhaps it’s fate telling you to skip the heavy manual trim and go with the superior electric elevator trim. The electric trim is lighter and allows you to wire the autopilot to trim away the pressure! I have lots of time in both, and plan on upgrading my -4 from manual trim to electric.
What autopilot?! Nah, I like the idea of manual trim better. Personal preference I guess! Not worth the expense of sending back across the pond so it’ll have to sit on the shelf. Just a bit disappointed it wasn’t one of the options to choose from when ordering the fuselage. It’s a bit late once the kit’s arrived.