Marc DeGirolamo

Well Known Member
Does someone have a picture(s) of the installation of the manual trim setup (lever/springs etc).....? The parts I got from Van's and the crappy drawing has me wondering where some of the pieces were intended to go :confused: ....thanks

Marc DeGirolamo
Pictures of aleron trim

Could not find any pics in my files, will try to take some this weekend and send them to you.

RV-4 N345SL
Pictures of aileron trim

Could you post the pictures I would like to see them as well.

Philip Mercier

My airplane has the manual trim and it works quite well. It is very simple but effective.
n38139 said:
<snip> It is very simple but effective.
Thats the way I like it! Simple and effective...
Yes please post the pics I'd also like to see the install, since I will need it in the near future.

Turns out that I did not have the correct diagram...VA 145 is the one you need (I had some sort of sweatshop sketch :eek: )......Gus at Van's faxed it to me and now it is perfectly clear where all the parts go..... :D Once I get it all together and installed I'll post some pictures.....
manual aileron trim pics

I am about ready to install the manual aileron trim in my RV-6 and don't have any pictures or drawings to guide me. If anyone could post some or e-mail them to me it would be a great help. Thanks.
Ron Voss
RV-6 almost done with angle valve O-320 and Catto 3 blade
ron voss said:
I am about ready to install the manual aileron trim in my RV-6 and don't have any pictures or drawings to guide me. If anyone could post some or e-mail them to me it would be a great help. Thanks.
Ron Voss
RV-6 almost done with angle valve O-320 and Catto 3 blade
Angle valve O-320? Never saw one.
Trim picture

Marc - a bit of thread creep into RV6 and angle valve engines! A picture is what you wanted, so if you scroll down to 5th Feb '07 entry I have added a postscript here, and you will hopefully have what you wanted. Sorry its not installed, but I think it will let you see how it works.

Good luck!

Is this what you were looking for?


Sorry, but this is the only pic I have of the trim.
different trim systems

Thanks Tony and Steve, but evidently the 4 and 8 are each different than the 6. Still looking for pics of a 6. I know someone not too far away that has one installed, so will check with him later. As far as the angle valve O-320, think GO-480. That is what the cylinders were for originally. Texas Skyways had an STC that bumped HP up to 178 for carb model.
Ron Voss
99% done!
Get some Trim...

Marc, Here is the Bandits trim setup. I built it this way per my friend Arvil's recommendation back in 95' when I was building. There were no website/ thread help groups then. My idea was to have the trim knob next to the throttle where I didn't have to move my hand (HOTAS) inflight. The mixture requires moving your hand which I like alot, no mistakes. I put a piece of large NAPA rubber fuel line on the trim knob (yellow) lever and spring loaded it to the fuselage side. The rubber allows it to move but touch without scraping. The cable is a standard van's trim cable. Hope this helps.

Rob Ray
1500 hours RV4
A few in my HR2
F16 on weekends...

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Any pictures?

Reviving this old thread since it looks like the pictures went away over time. I have the correct drawing referenced in the thread but cant picture where the springs are attaching on the VA 145A and on the plane. And where are the cotter pins going? Looks like it goes through some angle on the plane but I cant tell which part it is.