Don Jones

Well Known Member
I took a break from tank building to complete the right leading edge and found that riveting without the black stuff is so easy it's rediculous. I have found that for some reason just having that slick snotty stuff tends to make the rivets more difficult to shoot really good ones. Seems the technique has to be more precise. Has anyone else noticed this or am I just confused by MEK fumes:D

On another note, I have found Rick's fey sealing method to be absolutely the easiest and cleanest way there is. Using his method does make shooting the rivets much easier for some reason. Someone 'splain it to me!
I took a break from tank building to complete the right leading edge and found that riveting without the black stuff is so easy it's rediculous. I have found that for some reason just having that slick snotty stuff tends to make the rivets more difficult to shoot really good ones. Seems the technique has to be more precise. Has anyone else noticed this or am I just confused by MEK fumes:D

On another note, I have found Rick's fey sealing method to be absolutely the easiest and cleanest way there is. Using his method does make shooting the rivets much easier for some reason. Someone 'splain it to me!

Very much so agreed... Heck, I cant even tell what alot of mine LOOK like, I just have to feel of them. :eek:
Don wait untill you get to the fiberglass mess. You will be glad to buck couple rivets with proseal instead of this ... I do not even know how to call the process in English...:D