Skybolt Al

Well Known Member
I'm about to rivet my wing trailing edge sheeting and noticed when the entire outboard sheet is clecoed in place, the forward edge stands taller and does not match flush with the aft leading edge unless I really push it down. When I cleco the sheet just to the spar, the edge lays down flush. (The inboard sheeting lays flush with the tank and is not a problem.)

Should I rivet the sheeting to the spar first and then clamp the rest of the sheet to the ribs or will this cause a problem down the road?

I worried about that too!

However, I riveted just like van's says and when you rivet the spar it pulls down and closes up the gap. Mine came out terrific and they looked just like yours do. I noticed the rivet holes in the ribs don't line up well when you cleco to the spar and I didn't want to have to force them in to alignment and I worried if I riveted to the spar first it would be a war with the rest of the rivets. Turns out it was a non-event doing it like your supposed to do it.
Deburred the edge yet?


Have you deburred the edge of the larger wing skin? I saw one builder who did not debur any of his skins. No, I won't fly in that airplane.

Seriously, if you need to get some clearance on that edge of the wing skin, give it another pass across the ScotchBrite wheel. Please tell me you already have grooves in your ScotchBrite wheel on your bench grinder. If you want to talk on the phone, please send me a message with your phone number or Skype name. I can give you a few tips.
Thanks for the reminder but yes, all the edges are deburred. Lots of grooves in my Scotchbrite wheel too. My file and all the rest of my deburr tools get a workout as well.