
I'm New Here
Hey all, I'm a Vans fan. I have in my head that I'd like to buy an RV7 or RV8, but I've never even sat on one. If you happen to have one in the Los Angeles area and are willing to give a fella a ride, or even just share the ownership experience. I'd love to meet up.

I'm a low time PPL. Mostly tailwheel time, but I'm learning how to fly tricycle gear planes. I've rented out of Whiteman most recently, but can probably get anywhere from Santa Paula to Torrance on without too much trouble. I also spend a fair bit of time in Livermore too.

Thanks for any help you can offer to help me get acquainted with these fine aircraft.
Santa Paula would have something like that for sure. I would head up there on a weekend and start asking around. Might find yourself in much more than just a 7 or 8 lol
Lots of RVs at WHP, ( 15 at last count).... Let me know next time you are going to be at Whiteman; would be happy to have you over to my hangar to check out my 7A and talk RVs.


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Saw a pair of Blue RV-8's just southwest of Walt's and Rico's hangars at KWHP a couple of weeks back. They were painted as twins, I even think they used each others leftover paint to do both paint jobs, in reverse. Can't miss them, they are Blue and White, when the owners are out.

And I'd be willing to bet a good sum of $$$ that if you get to Santa Paula early on a non windy Saturday morning, and sit on the park benches on the grass, just barely west of the Shell fueling station, I can almost guarantee some sort of RV-6, 7, 8, 9, sometimes a 10, and a few 12's will be coming by to get the good price on fuel there when they fill 'er up.
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