jim miller

Well Known Member
Could someone refresh my memory on how major mods are handled with exp?
Specifically a RV3 built and flown with 0320 then purchased less engine and
the new owner (me) putting on a 0235. Registration and C of A current at time of purchase. Could a IA sign this off or will it require a DAR?

Jim Miller
It all depends on yur operating limitations

The operating limitations issued to your aircraft are the controlling document. Earlier op lims require that you get a recurrent airworthiness inspection. Later ones allow you to place the aircraft back into phase I yourself.
There should be a paragraph in there stating what you must do.
Typically, op lims issued before about 1999 require a complete re-certification.
If you would like to call me with your op lims in hand, I will be happy to walk you through the requirements.
P.S. An IA is never required for anything on an experimental amateur-built aircraft.
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