RV7A Flyer

Well Known Member
Finishing my first annual condition inspection, and putting together a spreadsheet of all the items with repetitive, time- or life-limited maintenance cycles (so I don't have to remember them, and so that I don't miss any :) ). Here's what I have so far, and I know there are quite a few others...any suggestions or additions are welcome!

Starting with the easy to remember ones:
Oil/filter change 50 hours
Oil suction screen Annual
Fuel filter (pump) 100 hours
Fuel screen (servo) Annual
Prop hub grease 100 hours
Wheel bearings Annual
Tire rotation Annual and if/as needed
Nose fork grease Annual
Fuel injector cleaning Annual
Spark plug clean/gap/rotate 100 hours
Lubricate all bearings 100 hours and if/as needed
Service brakes 100 hours, Annual and if/as needed

Less often, and therefore more subject to being forgotten about until it's time to do them ("aw, ****...I'm past 500 hours and I forgot I need to get the mags overhauled" :mad:):
Prop overhaul 6 years
O2 tank hydro test 5 years
Magneto overhaul 500 hours
Portable CO detector 24 months
Flexible hoses Usually 7 years?
Pitot/Static/XPDR cert 24 months
ELT Battery 24 months
ELT Remote Battery 8 years
Air Filter clean/refurbish 2 years

OK...so what am I missing here? :)
I think this is a little different than what you asked but maybe it will spur thought.

Walt has an inspection checklist posted on his website. I use it.
Go to the page Here and scroll to the pdf at the bottom.

I see from your list that you are injected. That means there is a repeating AD for checking injector line mounting. Easy to do but should be on the list. If you have not, I suggest you search for all ADs that apply to the certified version of your engine (or similar) so that you know the issues and can decide on action, if any.
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Thanks...I did use a checklist (very similar to the one you linked to), and am updating it for my specific aircraft for next year. Also went through ADs, SBs, and SLs for the engine, prop, mags, governor, etc., when I started the inspection.
Again, different than what you asked. I don't know what the "cycle" is or should be but after having a tank drain "O"-ring fail and subsequently finding the other about to fail in phase 1, I have spares for all elastomers in the fuel system.

I am starting my 2nd annual this month and plan to do a teardown and greasing of the tank caps. They are stiffer to operate than 2 years ago.
Insp Items

On the planes that I maintain the wing tank quick drains come out every 24 months and 1-2 gallons of fuel gets drained out. The higher flow rate from the bigger hole will evacuate debris and water droplets that the quick drain cannot. Almost always collect some undesirable junk on planes that never show any trash in the sample cup. The usual precautions when handling fuel apply, ground the plane and clean metal container, no sparks, no smoking ect, ect.

Don B
RV 9 rebuild in progress