You can also jack it up using a motorcycle jack (or something equivalent). Just put a box on top then slide it under the wing spar.

Take off the wheel nut, slip a tube inside the axle, jack up the end, slide the tire outward, put a block under the axle, and lower the jack. That, or use a wing jack. While they are quick, they scare me. I have used both methods, depending on the tools at hand. I saw a tire changed on a 12 with two guys under the wing, lifting with their backs. Not a recommended method...

I'm used to a taildragger and changing tires. Not sure the best way to go about replacing a main on the A model. Is the Van's jack the only way to go?

Many threads in the archives on this subject. Try these:

Many more where those came from, the VAF Search engine is your friend. :)
Thanks for the tip, Ted!

You can also jack it up using a motorcycle jack (or something equivalent). Just put a box on top then slide it under the wing spar.

Since the behemoth GL1800 left, I haven't used mine, but it safely lifted 900# several times.
Placed correctly, with an appropriate extension and pad, the jack will reduce the point load, as well as providing more access to the wheel.