Rob Erdos

Well Known Member

I'm in need of an opinion... See below some pics that I took of the landing gear legs on my RV-6 project. You will note some spots where surface abrasion has penetrated the powder coating and where a bit of discolouration/corrosion has occurred.

I bought the project last year, and the gear legs were in that condition when I bought it. I'm just preparing to hang the engine, and the possible necessity to inspect and/or repair the gear legs is causing me some concern. I'm considering whether I should pull the landing gear legs out of the sockets and have a look. Is there any history of corrosion in there? Do those spots on the legs merit any concern? How best to repair them? I spoke to someone at Vans (forgot the name), and he seemed very unconcerned. He said that RV's are parked outside for years and that corrosion of the landing gear legs is never a problem. He didn't have any reservations about me covering it over with a marine polyurethane enamel and proceeding to hang the engine.

Opinions? Does the damage in the pictures cause anyone concern? How might the powder coating have become abraded during assembly at the upper edge of the landing gear leg where it disappears into the socket? How to repair it?


Rob Erdos



It looks like rough handling to me. Check the edges of the powder coat in the areas of abrasion to see if the material is still firmly attached. if so the I would sand the edges lightly, prep the metal and paint with a good epoxy primer.
I note the roughness at the socket. Was an anti seize material or grease used in the sockets at installation? If not then the legs should be removed and treated. At that time those abrasions can be looked after.
One Vote for Inspection

Thanks Tom!

I don't know if there was grease or anti-seize compound used when the gear legs were installed. I infer that there should be something to reduce abrasion within the socket. It appears that I'll have to check.
