
Are there other options for main gear other than the ones that come with the kit? i've contacted Groves and they're no longer making any custom gear and they don't have anything for a -10 according to the young lady answering their phone. A friend has Groves on his -8 is why i'm asking. i like his gear a lot better than the stock -10 gear
Do you mean wheels or gear?
For Wheels, the 2 main options aside from the stock are
Matco and Beringer.
My 2010 kit came with Cleveland wheels and brakes. I'm pretty sure current kits have something else, but I presume the Clevelands are still available, but probably more expensive.
If the OP is asking about brakes and such.....

Consider the Matco three piston RV-10 brake upgrade.

I deleted the applicable parts from the finish kit and got this. On my first RV-10 project the stock brakes were "just" ok. I also deleted the nose wheel on the finish kit order and got the Matco one that provided better valve stem to yoke clearance.

Reminder, get the Matco Nose wheel axle.

Here is the list of stuff:
WHLWI600XLT-2 - WHL &BRK WI600 RV-10 CONFIG 2 @$610.69, total $1,221.38
SWFT-6I - Swiftline Kit for WHLBI600 & BI600XLT 2 @$169.71, total $339.42
TIRTU1566/90 - TUBE, 15X600X6 TR87 90 DEG STEM 2 @ $32.49, total $64.98
WHLNW511.25 - NOSEWHEEL, 5" 1.25 1 @ $205.09

I think the stock gear is the only choice.

Just curious, what don't you like about it?

just curious about other options. As i said, the guy helping me with mine built an -8 and he used Grove gear due to the more aerodynamic shape, the strength (his words) and the fact that the brake line had a channel inside the gear so it was not exposed.

I wouldn't say i didn't like the stock gear, just looking for other options if they existed.
just curious about other options. As i said, the guy helping me with mine built an -8 and he used Grove gear due to the more aerodynamic shape, the strength (his words) and the fact that the brake line had a channel inside the gear so it was not exposed.

I wouldn't say i didn't like the stock gear, just looking for other options if they existed.

I don't think there are any other options for the -10. The good news is that the leg fairings make the legs aerodynamic and they also enclose the brake lines.:D