
Unrepentant fanboy
I'm in the process of final-fitting my wheel pants and gear fairings, and for a couple of flight hours I just had my main gear leg fairings on by themselves - no wheel pants, no upper or lower transitions. Apparently they started fluttering in the slipstream, both of them failed at the tabs where they are connected to the gear leg. These are NOT strong enough to sustain flight loads without the transitions at the top and bottom.

Common thing Greg. After I had failure like yours I rebuilt and reinforced the tab with aluminum. Then completely eliminated the clamp the fairing is locked between upper and bottom intersections.
Common thing Greg. After I had failure like yours I rebuilt and reinforced the tab with aluminum. Then completely eliminated the clamp the fairing is locked between upper and bottom intersections.

I think that's where I'm headed as well, thanks.
Actually, making these is where I drilled a hole completely through my finger, amazing how fast a 40 goes through flesh and fingernail. for final fit I am going to use those clamps like on CV boots.
