
Well Known Member
For those that have a magnetometer in the wingtip, has anyone had interference due to the aileron counterweight?
Is´t the aileron counterweight made of lead, non magnetic ?
If you have the old style high voltage flash lights, yes they will interfere.

Good luck
Remote Compass inerference...

For those that have a magnetometer in the wingtip, has anyone had interference due to the aileron counterweight?

I had actually thought of that: a fairly large chunk of steel within inches of the magnetometer. I decided the best place to mount it was in the fuselage, suspended as far from anything steel as I could get it. I haven't flown it yet so I don't know how well it works. I also have the old strobes in the tips which one would think would interfere as well: a big long magnet (copper cable with electrons running through it....:eek:)

I know there are builders on this forum who have theirs in their wings. You might get a reply from one of them. Does the RV-14 have the same steel counterweights? Not sure. :confused:
Is´t the aileron counterweight made of lead, non magnetic ?
If you have the old style high voltage flash lights, yes they will interfere.

Good luck

Most of the RV series of aircraft, RV-3, 4, 6, 7, & 8, have used galvanized steel water pipe for the aileron counterweight.
No interference that I’m aware of after 9 years. Was able to locate my GRT magnetometer forward on the end rib to get ample distance from aileron counterbalance.
10 & 14 Counterbalance

See below: (A-1009) is the aileron counter b.

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I originally installed magnetometer in the location Vans recommends on the RV14A about 2 foot from wing root. I had a lot of issues with that location. I was told by an avionics person to check the location with a compass and look for variation in the compass direction. Sure enough the location where I had placed it there was variation in the compass. I never did figure out what was causing the interference. I moved it to very outer section of wing tip after checking with compass. No issues with that location and have been flying for over 1 year.
We failed in the initial interference check with our magnetometer in the right wing. I think we saw ~130% of the limit on the Garmin. We moved it forward ~8 inches and passed the test at ~40% of the limit. A small change in the distance to the counterweight made a huge difference in the interference level. I think as long as you bias forward on the rib you'll be ok.

For reference, our original install had the magnetometer just after of the conduit in the pic. After moving it to the forward side of the conduit it worked fine.


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RV10 and RV14 aileron counterbalances are stainless steel.
Magnetometer in the wingtips. No problem front or back.
Previous RV designs were galvanized iron (water pipe). Could be an issue. Certainly as far forward as you can get and install lighting strictly IAW the manufacturer’s instructions. Shielded twisted conductors etc.
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My 8 has a galvanized pipe. It’s a big ole chunk of ferrous metal.

The picture below is the mounting location. The lights are all LEDs, the wires are shielded to the strobes. I can go more forward. Question is should I?

Edit - Picture is upside down


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