
Well Known Member
Hi all,

I've pulled the engine off the -8 to do the oil pump AD (it's trashed, BTW) and while I'm at it I'm going to install a pair of Pmags. Currently, the airplane has Bendix S4LN 200/204 pair feeding a tach signal to the EIS (no mechanical drive, no transducer). My question concerns the possible different signal between the Pmag and the Bendix. Do I need to set up the EIS differently, change a jumper, etc on the EIS to accept the Pmag signal?


Nope ... If I Recall Correctly

Hi all,

I've pulled the engine off the -8 to do the oil pump AD (it's trashed, BTW) and while I'm at it I'm going to install a pair of Pmags. Currently, the airplane has Bendix S4LN 200/204 pair feeding a tach signal to the EIS (no mechanical drive, no transducer). My question concerns the possible different signal between the Pmag and the Bendix. Do I need to set up the EIS differently, change a jumper, etc on the EIS to accept the Pmag signal?



Recently changed a mag out for a P-MAG on a friend's plane. P-MAG has the "option" (via one of the connect points) to supply an "equivalent signal" to the EIS.

Also not that there is now an EIS option to handle two mags so there is no "drop to zero" due to only one input (when not using a switch to compensate).

This is from memory and I am "98% sure" but I may be wrong. Double check with the P-MAG and GRT folks.
I have a single mag and a LS Electronic.

I just got my EIS back from GRT with the newest software upgrade to accommodate the dual input for Tach from each of my systems. I have not wired it up yet but it doesn't seem too complicated. My EIS is a relatively new unit, it's about 9 months old. I haven't flown it yet, still building. I called Sandy at GRT and she told me to send it in. I was also told that it would be approximately $100 for the upgrade. When I got it back, there was an invoice in the package for only $8.34 shipping. The upgrade was gratis. I have never been disappointed with their customer service.
EIS tach signal

As I recall there is a slight mod required in the EIS to accept Pmag tach signal. Call Sandy, or check out GRT Yahoo site for details. Mine works fine with Pmag, but cannot remember the details of the mod.
It depends

how old your EIS is. Newer versions have a software setting that must be changed to recognise the 12v sigal from a P-mag instead of the 12,000v signal from a mag. Older versions need a capacitor and a resistor removing from the board. As Tommy said, tell Sandy at GRT your serial no and s/w version and she will email you a leaflet showing the parts to snip or tell you the settings to change.

Also not that there is now an EIS option to handle two mags so there is no "drop to zero" due to only one input (when not using a switch to compensate).

So I no longer have to use a toggle switch to switch between the mags when I do my mag check? I installed my EIS a year ago and it would be nice to do away with that little hassle.
Depends ...

So I no longer have to use a toggle switch to switch between the mags when I do my mag check? I installed my EIS a year ago and it would be nice to do away with that little hassle.


upon what Rev of the EIS you have.

I **suspect** that your current one is *not* the latest Rev so you would need to send it to Sandy and have them "upgrade" it. They save all your settings and return you one that can handle two tach inputs. The boot up is about a second (or two) slower I think, but other than the boot up screen all will be the same.

Also, the new EIS faceplates they have are NICE! They go over the existing EIS and are visually "compatible" with the EFIS units.
