
Well Known Member
Doing my magnetic interference test for my G3X. Rudder movement came up a problem. G3expert suggested I have magnitized rudder cables. A hand compas shows a magnetic field at the cables. So here's the question. Is there a way to demagnitize the cables without removing and replacing? If replacement is the only option, how can I be sure Vans will not send another magnitized set?
Even the stainless cables are slightly magnetic. Doubtful that are magnetized though unless they are galvanized steel cables.
I know Derek (Dbro172) had similar issues and had to ultimately move the ADAHRS box away from the area it was in.
My two ADAHRS are mounted side-by-side a foot behind the rear bulkhead. Occasionally got a heading mismatch warning and found it happened only when the passenger shoulder harness was unused and fell into the baggage area. The slack cable bent near one of the units. Now the passenger either uses the harness or I keep it fastened to the seat buckle. No problems since. Sooner or later I may stack the units to give a little space from the cables. Dynon stated a couple years back their calibration would take care of a fixed object but could not compensate for a movable and changing object.
Many folks test things with a magnet to see if they are magnetic, which in turn can slightly magnetize the thing.

I have my ADAHRS mounted between the cables but, as another mentioned, hoped that them being in a static position would make it OK. If I must, I can drop or raise from the existing mount to increase the distance from the cables.
You can remove a magnetic field by degaussing. I use a Weller soldering gun for this. Activat the gun (hold the trigger in) and pass it the full length of the object keeping the housing of the gun near and almost touching. After doing this the magnetism should be gone. If there is still some, repeat.
The issue arose during the magnetic interference test prior to magnetometer cal. I assume the concern pertains to the mag. Not the ADHARS. Moving the mag does not appear to be practical. I was thinking perhaps some kind of shielding in the area of the magnetometer where the rudder cables are in near proximity could work. Anyone have any input as to possible shielding.
Pm me or email me your phone number and we could chat over the phone (easier than typing on a phone). had/solved the same issue
magnetic rudder cables

I've had pretty good luck degaussing ferrous objects with a soldering gun. Wrap three or four turns of #12 copper wire around the rudder cable and connect it to your soldering gun where the tip normally is. Pull the trigger and slide your coil along the cable you want de-magnetized. It may not work but is pretty cheap and easy to try.

Chuck Ross C-GEAU rv4