As a father of 2 little kids, I cant wait to share this with them.

Thanks for sharing.:D
I took my 6 year old granddaughter for her first flight on Thanksgiving morning. I was surprised she talked/chatted the whole time. After seeing this, I guess its normal. :)
Jerry Folkerts
Love it!

Great video. I'm 50 years old and I still have a similar reaction everytime the wheels leave the ground... :)
Thanks to this video, Bode will forever know the moment he fell in love with the experience of aviation!

It never is boring to watch magic of this kind.
Jeremy, I just watched the video again. Nice. What fun for both of you. I can't wait to take my grandkids up. Thanks.
I know those guys

I took my nephew for his first flight about a year ago. My brother put together this video. Enjoy!


It was wonderful to see you sharing the adventure with your extended clan. As I watched the video I was jealous. When I was building my 7A my kids were young teenagers and I wasn't able to introduce them to flying until they were adults. Non of them have no interest in flying at all.

There is no doubt in my mind that between you and your brother Chris more of your clan will take to the skies. One of yours is waiting in the wings in this photo. Hide the keys!

Grandkids loved it too.

Jeremy and Your Brother,
Thanks for creating this video and sharing it!
I loved it!!! But.....
I had several young grandchildren over to the house yesterday.
Grandchildren that have not been flying yet.
I showed them your video as an introduction to flying, specifically flying in the RV. They all loved it too...all smiles and eyes glued to the screen.
Asking when can we go flying granddad??
So thanks for goes farther than you might know.