
Well Known Member
Before I ask this question, I need to tell you that I have done lots of research into this and that is why I am asking the question!!!

I'm just getting ready to wire the Slick Mag but the following two quotes sum up my dilema;

“Ground shield to mag, leave ignition switch side open”

“Actually, that advice may be incomplete - you may end up with always hot mags. I connected the shields to the magnetos and to the GRD terminal on the mag switch. Alternatively, you could just ground the GRD terminal to an airframe ground and not connect the shields at the switch. Either way, the GRD terminal must be grounded somehow. I prefer the shields because its less wiring”

Any comments (here's the thread)

Also, what is the large stud on the top of this mag, I see the P-Lead stud, and the ground screw next to it so I'm assuming this stud is the retard but I've learnt never to assume anything and best to check!
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Video Help

Just a few days ago I discovered this series of videos from the EAA. There is one video entitled "P-Lead fabrication" that will answer all of your questions about how to fabricate the P-lead, and why you must connect the shielding of the wire to ground at the mag. If you don't do it this way, the ignition noise will drive you from the cockpit! Ask anyone who has flown an antique plane with unshielded ignition and a radio has been installed!
In this series of videos, there are many good tip for building and maintaining you plane.
Good luck!
In addition to the EAA website...

...check out the Sacramento Skyranch web site. From their homepage: on the Mechanics Toolbox Software product on the Video link at the top of the page

..Scroll down to see the selection of video clips (engine, mags, spark plugs, etc)