
Well Known Member
I'm wiring up my 6A and have found that I have insufficient info for wiring my slick magneto. It came with a 1 page sheet of woefully inadequate info to time the mag, and no info regarding the wiring. I'm using the Bob Nuchols standard Z-11 approach, with a shielded 20awg wire from the switch to the mag. My question is where on the mag to actually install the 20awg center wire and shield? There are no terminals that I can see. Any help?



The P-lead terminal is the threaded portion just to the right of the yellow label visible above.... if you look closely, you can see a threaded hole at 45 degrees to the right and above of the P-lead connection that takes a screw for the ground wire.

Note - the hardware is missing in the picture.... there is an insulated phenolic washer under the P-lead ring terminal, as well as metal washers and lock washers....

The picture also shows the Slick Timing Pin inserted to set the mag at it's timing point for installation.

gil A
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On the center conductor wiring...there is the stud, a phenolic washer, a lock washer, and the nut. I assume that the right "order" is

1) phenolic washer
2) wire ring terminal going to ignition
3) lock washer
4) nut

Is that correct?

Yes.. that's correct.. I think I used a regular flat washer in between the ring terminal and lock washer.. that's realy optional (IMHO).. but helped prevent the ring terminal from turning as I was tightening the nut.
Don't forget to install the silicone rubber boot. I believe that the phenolic washer is used to capture the large end of the boot.